The Emerging Leaders Fellowship (ELF) Program mentors and empowers an interdisciplinary cohort of transformative faculty from historically underrepresented backgrounds, supports them in amplifying their research excellence, and builds a community where these faculty can lead and thrive.

Program Leadership

Program Director, Associate Teaching Professor Giulia Gurun, Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
Faculty Mentor, Assistant Teaching Professor, Amy Argenal, Community-Engaged Research and Learning- Sociology
Faculty Mentor, Assistant Teaching Professor, Marcela Alfaro-Córdoba, Statistics

Program Description

The Emerging Leaders Fellowship (ELF) Program mentors and empowers an interdisciplinary cohort of transformative faculty from historically underrepresented backgrounds, supports them in amplifying their research excellence, and builds a community where these faculty can lead and thrive.

We focus our mentorship on three areas: (1) pedagogy and teaching, (2) grant writing, and (3) merit review and promotion. Our fellows work closely with divisional teaching professor mentors, and as an interdisciplinary learning community, to develop thoughtful and inclusive teaching and mentoring practices. CRL Advisory Board and Faculty Affiliate mentors also provide individual support for both advancing fellows’ research programs and showcasing their excellence through the merit review process, while also co-creating a community of care.

We provide additional ad hoc grant writing support to several more early career faculty members as CRL affiliates. Our grant support program has already attracted more than $3.5M in extramural funding to UCSC in its first year. The SLF Program currently supports fellows across in two divisions: Physical and Biological Sciences and Engineering. When programmatic funding and staff support permit, we hope to expand it to all five academic Divisions.

Current and Former Fellows

Ashesh Chattopadhyay, Applied Mathematics

Christina Chung, Computational Media

Valerie Cortez, MCD Biology

Yasmeen Daifallah, Politics

Leilani Gilpin, Computer Science and Engineering

Javier Gonzalez-Rocha, Applied Mathematics

Kasia Jankiewicz, Mathematics

Colleen Josephson, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Aide Macias-Muñoz, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Ari Martinez, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Carlos Martinez, Latino and Latin American Studies

Maywa Montenegro, Environmental Studies

Allison Moreno, Ocean Sciences

Julissa Muñiz, Psychology

Natalia Ocampo-Peñuela, Environmental Studies

Jiayin Pan, Mathematics

Tamara Pico, Earth and Planetary Sciences

Eréndira Quintana Morales, Anthropology

Kate Ringland, Computational Media

Shaheen Sikandar, MCD Biology

Yuanchao Xu, Computer Science and Engineering